Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I am...

Now a designer of www.ravelry.com. For those of you that don't know Ravelry is a community of fiber lovers (primarly knitters and crocheters, although there are spinners, quilters, and needlework artists on there as well). And of course besides working and sleeping knitting and crocheting sums up a large part of my life.

I noticed last week that some on had linked my Fulled Cell Phone Cozie from my pattern blog to Ravelry. Even had my name on it. However, the pattern wasn't connected to my profile, so I emailed the amazing Jess/Casey/Mary-Heather (they are the wonderful owners operators of the site) and asked them to link my profile to my patterns. And boy were they quick, I sent the email last night, and by tonight I was properly linked to all 3 of my patterns.

So now in short I can call my self, Carol, knitwear and crochet designer. Yipeee!!!


Crocheted Monkey

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